Selected Speeches by Subject
1. United Nations, League of Nations
Leadership through Action: The UN in a Changing World, 13/12/92
The UN and NGOs, 10/3/93
To the Staff of UNOG, 18/0/93
UN & Preventive Diplomacy in Action, 1-2/4/93
Aspirations & Realities of the United Nations:
The European Perspective, 13/10/93​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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New Tasks for the United Nations: Its Global and
Regional Dimensions, 15-17/4/94
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Speaking at the Model UN, 18/1/95
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Building the Future through the Solution of the Most Pressing
Problems of Today, 20/6/95
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Interview for Diplomatic Letters, 14/7/95
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On the Occasion of the International Day of Peace, 19/9/95
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Tree Planting Ceremony in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary
of the UN, 15/10/95
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The Challenges of Collective Security: Reasons for Hope, Reasons
for Concern, 7/12/95
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Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Embodiment of UN Ideals, 11/12/95
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The United Nations at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century, 26/1/96
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The United Nations: An Indispensable Global Instrument to Promote Peace,
Development and Democracy, 6/6/96
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The United Nations and the Business Community: Vital Partners, 13/6/96
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The United Nations and Preventive Diplomacy: New Dimensions, 24/8/96
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The United Nations Entering Into the Twenty-First Century, 9/1/97
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Peace Operations as an Integrated Part of the UN Strategy for a More
Secure Twenty-First Century, 11/12/97
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Security Challenges at the Turn of the Millennium, 14/1/99
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Message to the Business Humanitarian Forum, 27/1/99
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Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Decision to Declare Geneva
the Seat of the League of Nations (29 April, 1919), 23/4/99
2. Disarmament
Disarmament and National Security in the Interdependent World, 12-17/4/1993
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Disarmament: New Directions, 09/93
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The Disarmament Agenda for the Next Decade, 23/2/94
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The Conference on Disarmament Shapes the Agenda for Multilateral
Disarmament Negotiations, 26/4/94
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The Humanitarian Dimension of Conflict Management: Minimizing the Damaging
Effects of Weapons, 19/12/94
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Message of the UN Secretary-General to the Conference on
Disarmament, 1/1/95
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Comprehensive Arms Regulations within the Context of Disarmament and Conflict
Resolution, 12-14/5/95
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Nuclear Disarmament: Significant Gains and Continued Vigilance, 5/8/95
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Arms Regulation and Disarmament in All Aspects: The New Realities of the
Post-Cold War Era, 27/11/95
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The Role of the United Nations in Promoting a CTBT, 8/3/96
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Restoring Governmental Administrative Machinery in Situations of
Conflict, 13/3/96
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Message of the UN Secretary-General at the Signing Ceremony of the Africa
Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone, 11/4/96
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Statement to the 1996 Review Conference of the 1980 UN Convention on Certain
Conventional Weapons, 3/5/96
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New Post-Disarmament Agreements Reality, 1/2/97
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Multilateral Fora as an Institutional Link Between Nuclear and Non-Nuclear
Disarmament, 27/9/97
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Multilateral Disarmament, 13/5/98
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NPT regime as Stronghold and Guidepost for Multilateral System of Arms
3. International Law
Preventive & Peace-Making Diplomacy & the Role of International Law
in Conflict Resolution, 22-25/3/94
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International Law and the New United Nations, 12/7/94
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The Increasing Relevance of International Humanitarian Law in the Work
of the United Nations, 6/9/95
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Ensuring Respect for International Humanitarian Law is at the Core of the
UN Effort to Promote Peace and Security", 2-4/9/99
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Humanitarian Law, 2/9/99
4. Good Governance
Negotiations in International Diplomacy - International Economic
Negotiations, Université de Geneve, 25/11/93
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Diplomacy as an Instrument of Good Governance, 13/2/98
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Good Global Governance and the UN (A book contribution)
5. Human Rights
49th Session of Human Rights Commission, 12/3/93
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International Women's Day, 8/3/94
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Working Group on Indigenous Populations, 28/7/97
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At the Commemoration of International Women's Day, 8/3/99
6. Development
1998 Human Development Report, 4/9/98
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6 Billion - A Time for Choices, 12/1/99
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Globalization and Sustainable Development: Is Ethic the Missing
Link?, 23/2/02
7. Europe
The United Nations and European Security, 8/8/94
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Address at the Opening of the Exhibition of Russian Folk Art, 7/2/95
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New European Architecture: Change of Wording or of the Concept?, 17/12/96
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From Versailles to Locarno - from an Imposed to a Negotiated Peace (1919-1925),
8. Cooperation with Regional Organizations
International Encounter for European Journalists on Palestine, 9-11/6/93
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Middle East Conflict - Press Conference, 5/5/94
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Statement at the Closing Ceremony of the Mediterranean Cities
Conference, 9/3/95
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Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2/1/96
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Council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 19/11/98
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Statement at the 104th Committee of Ministers or the
Council of Europe, 6-7/5/99
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Meeting of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the OSCE, 25/2/2000
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Amman, Jordan, IPU Council, 6/5/2000
9. Geneva
Geneva – Capital of Internationalism, 8/3/93
10. Switzerland