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VOLUME 5 / 1995 - 1996

Our esteemed reader, we are grateful that you are interested in Vladimir Petrovsky's archive. We would love to hear your feedback on the materials presented here. If you are going to use materials from the Petrovsky archive, we appreciate if you write a line on where you used or cited documents.
Documents (speeches) may be downloaded, but if used for publication(s) or for purposes of your own research, the origin of the citation and the credit have to be mentioned. The credit should read: “United Nations Archives at Geneva”.


1. Statement on the occasion of the International Day of Peace (Palais des Nations, September 19, 1995).

2. Welcoming statement at the Opening session of Geneva Informal Meeting of International Youth Non-Governmental Organizations (Palais des Nations, Geneva, September 22, 1995).

3. "Art and Diplomacy: a Vital Alliance" - Welcoming statement at the Opening of the Exhibition on the Works of Seven African Artists in commemoration of World Peace Day 1995 and UN-50 (Palais des Nations, October 2, 1995).

4. Address at the Opening Ceremony of TELECOM 95 (Palexpo, October 3, 1995).

5. Opening remarks at the IC&C Gala Banquet given in honour of the 130th anniversary of the ITU and the 50th anniversary of the United Nations (Inter-Continental Hotel, October 4, 1995).

6. UNITAR (October 4, 1995).

7. "To make the UN system more relevant, focused and efficient-the strategic aim of the reform" - Guest lecture at the Institute of International Relations (Valletta, October 6, 1995).

8. Address at the Opening of the Architectural Exhibition "La Cite Universelle" (October 12, 1995).

9. "International Civil Servants: The Critical Human Dimension to the Work of the United Nations" - Welcoming statement at the Oath Taking Ceremony (Palais des Nations, October 13, 1995).

10. "As Lovely as a Tree..." - Welcoming statement at the Tree planting ceremony in commemoration of UN50 (Palais des Nations, October 15, 1995).

11. "The Agenda for the Year 2000" - Opening statement at the Round table on Open Door Day (Palais des Nations, October 15, 1995).

12. Welcome Address before the Concert of the New Names Programme (October 15, 1995).

13. Presentation of the painting by Robert Di Credico (Palais des Nations, October 15, 1995).

14. "Journee Internationale Pour I'Elimination de la Pauvrete "- Address by Mr. M. Moller on behalf of Mr. V. Petrovsky (Geneva, October 17, 1995).

15. Message from the Secretary-General of the UN read by Mr. V. Petrovsky (Prague, October 17, 1995).

16. Message to the Nansen Medal Award Ceremony by Mr. Boutros Boutros- Ghali (Geneva, October 20, 1995).

17. Address at the Inauguration of the ceramic work "The Blue Planet of Life" (Palais des Nations, October 20, 1995).

18. Welcome address on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition of Mikhail Chemiakine (Palais des Nations, November 6, 1995).

19. Toast by the Director-General at the ceremony to present a cheque resulting from the "Ponts de Saint Gervais" (Palais des Nations, November 9, 1995).

20. Introduction. Meeting of the Inter-Departmental Working Group on relations with NGOs (Palais des Nations, November 22, 1995).

21. Address on the occasion of the donation of books to the UNOG Library by the Permanent Mission of Germany (November 22, 1995).

22. "Art and Diplomacy: A Vital Alliance" - Welcoming Statement at the opening of the Exhibition on Zimbabwean and Shona sculpture in commemoration of UN-SO (Palais des Nations, November 27, 1995).

23. "Arms Regulation and Disarmament in all aspects: the new realities in the post-cold war era" - Statement at the Ad Hoc Working Group to explore the issue of structural adjustment for the transition to disarmament (November 27, 1995). (English and Russian).

«Регулирование вооружений и разоружение во всех аспектах: новые реалии в эпоху после войны» - заявление Специальной рабочей группы по изучению вопроса структурной перестройки для перехода к разоружению (27 ноября 1995 г.). (английский и русский).

24. "ЖЕНЕВА - ЮНКТАД - КОНВЕРСИЯ", 2 части - Интервью ИТАР-ТАСС, 28 НОЯБРЯ 1995 r. На русском языке.

"GENEVA - UNCTAD - CONVERSION", 2 parts - ITAR-TASS interview, NOVEMBER 28, 1995 In Russian.

25. Toast to inaugurate the 7th Solo exhibit of new paintings by Ginny Dandan, Filipino artist (Palais des Nations, December 4, 1995).

26. "The UN and OSCE: Moving Forward Together" - Statement before the Organizations for Security and Cooperation in Europe Ministerial Council (Budapest, Hungary - December 7, 1995).

27. "Challenges of Collective Security: Reasons for Hope, Reasons for Concern" - Statement to the 10th International Training Course in Security Policy at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (December 7, 1995).

28. Statement of acceptance by Mr. B. Boutros-Ghali "Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt: The Embodiement of UN Ideals" (Palais des Nations, December 11, 1995).

29. "Art and Diplomacy: Gaining Strength From Our Different Traditions" - Statement of acceptance for the ceremony of the presention of the painting entitiled, "Covered Bazaar in Manama" donated by the Permanent Mission of Bahrain (Palais des Nations, December 15, 1995).

30. "Learning to Appreciate Our Different Heritages" - Statement of acceptance for the ceremony of the presention of a replica of the Busabokmaha Mala Chakrapat Piman Throne donated by the Permanent Mission of Thailand (Palais des Nations, December 21, 1995).

31. Ответы на вопросы журнала "Moscow Journal of International Law" (ЯНВАРЬ 1996 r.). НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ.

Answers to the questions of the journal "Moscow Journal of International Law" (JANUARY 1996). In Russian.

32. Интервью ИТАР-ТАСС: "Заключение Договора об всеобъемлющем запрещении ядерных испытаний будет одной из главных задач на переговорах в Европейском Отделении OOH в Женеве в 1996 году" (ЯНВАРЬ 1996 r.). На русском языке.

The interview to ITAR-TASS: "The conclusion of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty will be one of the main tasks at the negotiations at the UN European Office in Geneva in 1996", (JANUARY 1996). In Russian.

33. Интервью ИТАР-ТАСС: : "1996 ГОД - особый для европейской Штаб-квартиры ООН" (3 ЯНВАРЯ 1996 r.).

34. "The League of Nations: Learning from the Past" - Welcoming speech by Mr. Issa B.Y. Diallo on behalf of Mr. V. Petrovsky to the opening of the exhibition entitled: IMAGES: Portraits, Caricatures and Treaties for Peace.

35. Message of Mr. B. Boutros-Ghali to the Conference on Disarmament at the opening of its 1996 session (January 23, 1996).

36. Statement by Mr. V. Petrovsky, Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament/Personal Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations (January 23, 1996).

37. Address on the occasion of the Inauguration Ceremony of the renovated Croatian Room XXIV (January 24, 1996).

38. "The United Nations and Disarmament: Multilateralism in Action" - Speech At the seminar "United Nations and Disarmament" organized by Arch ivo Disarmo (Rome, January 25, 1996) + Preliminary remarks by Luigi Anderlini - President of Archivo Disarmo.

39. "The United Nations at the Threshold of the Twenty-First Century" - Statement at the International Symposium "Italy and the United Nations" (Rome, January 26, 1996).

40. Выступление на приеме по случаю ОТКРЫТИЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ "Переход к рыночной экономике: современные проблемы в финансовой и банковской сферах (28 ЯНВАРЯ 1996 r.). На русском языке. Полная и короткая версии.

Speech at the reception on the occasion of the OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE "Transition to a market economy: current problems in the financial and banking sectors (JANUARY 28, 1996). In Russian. Full and short versions.

41. Интервью для газеты "Век" (ЯНВАРЬ 1996 r.) + Фото публикации + Вопросы для интервью. На русском языке.

Interview for the newspaper "Vek" (JANUARY 1996) + Photos of the publication + Questions for the interview. In Russian.

42."The International Year for the Eradication of Poverty" - Statement at the UNIS Press Conference (Palais des Nations, February 7, 1996).

43. "Женева как центр международной торгово-экономической активности", тезисы к Конференции "Переход к рыночной экономике в банковской и финнансовой сферах", 22 февраля 1996 r. На русском языке.

"Geneva as a center of international trade and economic activity", abstracts for the Conference "Transition to a market economy in the banking and financial sectors", February 22, 1996 r. In Russian.

44. "The Role of the United Nations in Promoting a CTBT" - Opening Remarks to the Conference on Disarmament, 8 March 1996.

45. "Moving Forward Together on Addressing the Needs of Women -- Our Needs" - Welcoming address at the Round "Women: Peace and Disarmament" to commemorate International Women's Day, (Palais des Nations, March 8, 1996).

46. "Restoring Governmental Administrative Machinery in Situations of Conflict" - Opening speech at the United Nations Interregional seminar (Rome, March 13, 1996).

47. Address at the launching of the UN system-wide special initiative on Africa (WHO Executive Board Room, March 14, 1996).

48. Welcome address at the lunch in honour of the President of Ukraine H.E. Mr. Leonid Kuchma - Exclusive interview to UKRINFORM's correspondent Tamara Tarnavska, (March 19, 1996).

49. Message of the UN Secretary-General and the Statement at the signing ceremony of the African nuclear-weapon-free-zone (Cairo, April 11, 1996).

50. Additional remarks by Mr. Petrovsky as Secretary-General of the CD Cairo, April 11, 1996).

51. Abstracts to the Press Conference on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the African nuclear-weapon-free zone Treaty" (Cairo, April 11, 1996).


53. Message from the UN Secretary-General and the Statement of the Director-General of UNOG to the 51st session of the Economic Commission for Europe (Geneva, April 15, 1996).

54. Интервью c B. Ф. Петровским для "Российской газеты" от 16 апреля 1996 года.

Interview with V. F. Petrovsky for "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", April 16, 1996.

55. "The Assembly Hall: Past, Present and Future" - Welcoming address on the occasion of the inauguration of the newly renovated Assembly Hall (April 16, 1996).

56. "From the League of Nations to the United Nations: Lessons for the future" - Statement (April 17, 1996).

57. Address by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the Ceremony of the Presentation of a Painting by the Deputy Speaker of the Lagtinget of the Aland Islands (April 18, 1996).

58. "The League of Nations: A Meaningful Foundation" - Welcoming speech to the exhibition "The League of Nations, 1919-1946: Organization and Accomplishments. The First International Organization for the Establishment of World Peace", 18 April - 15 December 1996.

59. "Priorities of macro- and microdisarmament" - Meeting of the Special NGO Committee on Disarmament (April 19, 1996).

60. "Art and solidarity: the courage to help" - Address at the opening of the photographic exhibition (April 19, 1996).

61. Message by B. Boutros-Ghali to the Second resumed session of the review Conference of the State parties to the Convention on certain conventional weapons (Geneva, April 22 - May 3, 1996).

62. "Чернобыль: десять лет спустя" - Заявление г-на Петровского 26 апреля 1996 года.

"Chernobyl: Ten Years Later" - Statement by Mr. Petrovsky April 26, 1996.

63. Statement by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the Black Sea economic co-operation meeting (Bucharest, April 27, 1996).

64. "The United Nations Staff College: Preparing for the Future" - Statement by Mr. V. Petrovsky (Turin, Italy, April 29, 1996).

65. "Celebrating Our Diversity and Learning from One Another" - Statement by Mr. V. Petrovsky (April 30, 1996).

66. Statement by B. Boutros-Gheli to the 1996 review Conference of the 1980 UN Convention on certain conventional weapons delivered, on behalf of the Secretary-General, by Mr. V. Petrovsky (Geneva, May 3, 1996).

67. "Geneva Welcoming Centre" - Statement by V. Petrovsky on the occasion of the opening of the Centre d'Accueil pour Internationaux de Geneve (May 8, 1996).

68. Address by Mr. V. Petrovsky at the opening of the 49th World Health Assembly (May 20, 1996).


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